
Role of the proto-oncogene Pokemon in cellular transformation and ARF repression
Maeda T. et al. Nature. 433:278-285. Jan 2005.


Pokemon (for POK erythroid myeloid ontogenic factor; also known as LRF, OCZF and FBI-1) is a POK protein family member that has a critical and pleiotropic function in cellular differentiation and can physically interact with other POK family members such as BCL6.
まあ、POK familyにちなんでいるそうなのでぎりぎりオッケーだとは思います。あとアルファベットの羅列名よりはニックネームの方が覚えやすいのは確かです。でも既に名前がついているのに別名をつけるとは強引ですね。
ところでPubmedでPokemonで検索すると、Pokemon phenomenonなるキーワードが小児科の論文がいくつもヒットします。どうやらポケモンのアニメを見ていて、てんかんの症状が出た症例のことのようです。

Patient background of the Pokemon phenomenon. questionnaire studies in multiple pediatric clinics.
Furusho J, et al. Acta Paediatr Jpn.. 40:550-554. Dec 1998

Many children in Japan developed various neuropsychological problems, including seizures, while watching the program Pocket Monster, televised on 16 December 1997.